Feel Layout Manager


Software developed by Gothrek (FEEL TEAM – ArcadeItalia.Net) for the creation and modification of layouts.

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FLM_1.1.89 (1069 downloads)

by… Gothrek (FEEL TEAM – ArcadeItalia.Net)


The images of the guide may differ because in FLM it is possible to choose 3 different working modes.

– Open the software and click on the configuration icon (1)

– In the settings enter the path of feel (2)

– Set the path of your graphic editor (optional), by default the windows paint is set (3)

– By clicking on Font Settings “SimSun” (4) you can change the font (optional – we recommend working with the default one the first few times)

– By removing the check from the “Bacckground Image” checkbox, you can delete the background image of the software (5)

– Choose your preferred software layout arrangement (6)

– Confirm

– Click on the LOAD button and load a layout for editing (7)

– If you want to start from scratch you need to create a folder and insert your favorite background image with the resolution with which the layout will be created, in png format, calling it main.png.  The layout.ini file set for the resolution of the chosen image must also be inserted in the folder. At this point click on the LOAD button and select the folder concerned, a message will warn that the layout has been loaded. Use the zoom (8) to select the right overview. At this point it will be possible to move and resize the fundamental elements of the layout such as snapshot, romlist and others by using the mouse or the directional keys. Note: if you right-click on an element, the perimeter turns red and the movement is blocked, by clicking again with the right button on the element, the perimeter turns green and the movement is enabled. The values ​​of the elements can be changed in the property column (9) by clicking or selecting them from the Obj / media columns (10). It is possible to view the preview by clicking on the appropriate button (11). As soon as you are satisfied with the work, the layout can be saved by clicking on the SAVE button (12), at this point you can choose the saving path, create the folder that will contain it and save. At this point FLM will create the layout.ini file.

In the layout of FEEL there are other advanced aspects … but this is a quick guide and direct experimentation makes professionals!

Good job.

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